The Sisterhood....In Session
Since launching The Sisterhood Networking Group in 2022, it's founder Sarah Ridge has been introduced to some incredible women, all with amazing stories to tell.
Now she wants to share those stories with you! So grab yourself a cuppa, sit back and relax and prepare to be inspired……..
The Sisterhood....In Session
With Marie And Yvonne....AKA Midlife Dramas In Pyjamas And Growing Old Disgracefully
Thanks so much for listening! I’d love to hear from you!!
Marie Thom is a big knickers wearer, frantic chin plucker, gin lover and muffin-top fighter who worships at the altar of the incontinence liner. She draws her eyebrows in which are balding at an alarming rate, along with her nether regions. She doesn’t draw those in because that would be just plain weird.
She writes the Facebook page Midlife Dramas in Pyjamas and has written articles for Good Housekeeping, Best, Good Housekeeping online and Menopause Life Magazine. She has been interviewed on BBC Radio Newcastle and appeared as a guest on the podcast Message in the Middle. Marie regularly speaks to women’s groups and in September she will be appearing on the Live Stage with her funny poems, at Pause Live in London.
Her followers love her down-to-earth approach to life, along with her searing honesty about both the menopause and herself.
Find Marie over at https://www.facebook.com/midlifedramasinpyjamas
Yvonne Vincent is the bestselling author of The Big Blue Jobbie and the Losers Club series, the midlife brainfart behind the Growing Old Disgracefully blog on Facebook and the proud owner of an inch long eyebrow hair that mysteriously appears overnight. She wanted her superpower to be the ability to cram six Jaffa cakes into her mouth at once, but got the bionic eyebrow hair instead.
Two years and five months after publishing her first book, Yvonne walked away from her nice, safe job to write full time. It was scary and she had to push past a lot of self-doubt. She thought about all the wonderful people who had said “you can” to her - listening to them had worked before, so why not listen again? She wants to pay that forward to other midlife and older women - even though age and life may strip our confidence or sometimes make us feel like the swamp beast from hell, our superpower really is each other and We Can.
Find Yvonne here - https://www.facebook.com/Growingolddisgracefully
We are SO EXCITED to be taking The Sisterhood....In Session Podcast ON THE ROAD for the very first time!!!
Join Sarah Ridge, the founder of The Sisterhood Networking Group, as she recreates some of her FAVOURITE podcast episodes for you LIVE at the stunning Spitalfields Conservatory in the heart of London.
You will be able to enjoy ALL of the following as part of the day:-
- 8 LIVE Podcast Episodes
- Open Networking
- Business Card table
- Breakout Rooms - choose from Wellness, Personal Development and Business sessions throughout the day (NB - places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis)
For full details and ticket info head to https://www.thesisterhoodnetworkinggroup.com/upcoming-events
Sarah Ridge is the founder of The Sisterhood Networking Group - a female focussed networking group franchise, with connection and support at the heart of everything they do.
There are FOUR ways to get involved......
🌟 Come long to one of their networking meetings. They have branches across Essex, Portsmouth, Dartford and Ayrshire, Flintshire and Tunbridge Wells with more locations coming soon!
🌟 Become a Sisterhood franchisee and host meetings in your area.
🌟 Listen to The Sisterhood….In Session podcast.
🌟 Network online with us! Day and/or evening meetings available once a month with Guest Speaker opportunities.
Head to our website for info on all of the above - https://the sisterhoodnetworkinggroup.com.
Thanks for listening!!!!