The Sisterhood....In Session
Since launching The Sisterhood Networking Group in 2022, it's founder Sarah Ridge has been introduced to some incredible women, all with amazing stories to tell.
Now she wants to share those stories with you! So grab yourself a cuppa, sit back and relax and prepare to be inspired……..
The Sisterhood....In Session
With Rachel C K.....Founder Of The Breast Cancer Conversations
Thanks so much for listening! I’d love to hear from you!!
I am Rachel C-K , an accredited Integrative Cancer Support Guide and empowerment mentor for women concerned about breast health or are post a breast cancer diagnosis and beyond.
I have traveled this road myself, supporting myself naturally and holistically through treatment.
I am an advocate for empowered choices leading to empowered living . For getting closer to nature and tapping into natural and holsitic solutions.
You can find me here :
💖🌿💫”The Breast Cancer Conversations”
Sarah Ridge is the founder of The Sisterhood Networking Group - a female focussed networking group franchise, with connection and support at the heart of everything they do.
There are FOUR ways to get involved......
🌟 Come long to one of their networking meetings. They have branches across Essex, Portsmouth, Dartford and Ayrshire, Flintshire and Tunbridge Wells with more locations coming soon!
🌟 Become a Sisterhood franchisee and host meetings in your area.
🌟 Listen to The Sisterhood….In Session podcast.
🌟 Network online with us! Day and/or evening meetings available once a month with Guest Speaker opportunities.
Head to our website for info on all of the above - https://the sisterhoodnetworkinggroup.com.
Thanks for listening!!!!