The Sisterhood....In Session

With Rachel C K.....Founder Of The Breast Cancer Conversations

Sarah Ridge Season 1 Episode 33

Thanks so much for listening! I’d love to hear from you!!

I am Rachel C-K ,  an accredited Integrative Cancer Support Guide and empowerment mentor for women concerned about breast health or are post a breast cancer diagnosis and beyond.

I have traveled this road myself, supporting myself naturally and holistically through treatment. 

I am an advocate for empowered choices leading to empowered living . For getting closer to nature and tapping into natural and holsitic solutions. 

You can find me here : 

 💖🌿💫”The Breast Cancer Conversations”

Sarah Ridge is the founder of The Sisterhood Networking Group - a female focussed networking group franchise, with connection and support at the heart of everything they do.

There are FOUR ways to get involved......

🌟 Come long to one of their networking meetings. They have branches across Essex, Portsmouth, Dartford and Ayrshire, Flintshire and Tunbridge Wells with more locations coming soon!

🌟 Become a Sisterhood franchisee and host meetings in your area.

🌟 Listen to The Sisterhood….In Session podcast.

🌟 Network online with us! Day and/or evening meetings available once a month with Guest Speaker opportunities.

Head to our website for info on all of the above - https://the

Thanks for listening!!!!

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