The Sisterhood....In Session

With Hayley Keeber....AKA The Flexible Working Strategist

Sarah Ridge Season 1 Episode 37

Thanks so much for listening! I’d love to hear from you!!

Hayley's story started back in 2011 when she became a mum to a beautiful little girl at the age of 22.  After 6 months of maternity leave, she started her first recruitment role.  Working up hill to 60 hour weeks, she was tired all the time and wasn't seeing her daughter half as much as she would have liked.

 The ultimate mum guilt came when Sydney was 1 years old, and she became a single mum.

She knew something had to change.

That's when she made it her mission to learn everything there was about business.

  • How they worked.
  • Different business models
  • HR
  • Business Strategy

She discovered many women feel and have experienced similar unfair judgement due to being a mum in the workplace. She's now made it her mission to change that.  That's when The Flexible Working Strategist was born ...


Her mission is "To create a space where women can learn to create a life that is fulfilling for them without compromising time with their families".

 She understands first hand how hard juggling work and family is, and so now I am here to show you a better way!

If you'd like to connect with Hayley you can find her here:-

Sarah Ridge is the founder of The Sisterhood Networking Group - a female focussed networking group franchise, with connection and support at the heart of everything they do.

There are FOUR ways to get involved......

🌟 Come long to one of their networking meetings. They have branches across Essex, Portsmouth, Dartford and Ayrshire, Flintshire and Tunbridge Wells with more locations coming soon!

🌟 Become a Sisterhood franchisee and host meetings in your area.

🌟 Listen to The Sisterhood….In Session podcast.

🌟 Network online with us! Day and/or evening meetings available once a month with Guest Speaker opportunities.

Head to our website for info on all of the above - https://the

Thanks for listening!!!!

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